Driver problem - windows 10

The new beta driver works great, but every other time I reboot my computer the pen cursor is not accurate. 

I'll start drawing with the pen, the cursor starts where ive clicked, but as I move in any direction the cursor will move twice as fast as the pen. For example, if i draw a one inch line, then the cursor has drawn a two inch line. 

Resintalling the driver seems to be the only thing that works. I've tried, rebooting the software, the pen app, and the comp, and running the pen app as admin. But reinstalling is the only thing that works. 

I dont want to use the old driver because it doens't allow me to set the keys i want for my express keys and some of the roller options are not available. 

Any thoughts on how to fix this problem with the beta driver? 


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Driver problem - windows 10