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Infinite worlds - Infinite Dreams Have you heard? The Door to Anywhere of the Universe Wake up your dreams and hope, The Door is open to the thousand's worlds of joy and love From the deep fantasy to the lost cyber world, To the tale of a hero who guards the castle Through this door, you can chisel Your dreams, your world, and your stories Many and many worlds of opportunities. Come with this friendly fox to the door that unlocks Your very own places in this Universe.This Artwork is my entry into this contest. XP-pen is one of the first tablets that introduced me to the digital art world. Back then I was lost in the traditional art world, but on my 18th birthday, as my best friend suggested, I finally save enough money to buy the XP-pen Star 03 tablet. With this tablet, my journey in the world of digital art starts. Though there are up and down after 3 years I still enjoy every moment of this journey. Many thanks to XP-pen.
FENIX & the Anywhere Door
Deco 03