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Before maturing into a butterfly, the larva must undergo a process called metamorphosis in the form of a “chrysalis”. I drew this because it’s exactly where I am in my life right now. I have decided to finally pursue my dream art career, and having been in a corporate job for quite some time, it’s not easy for me to start and be instantly good at it. I personally relate to this particular stage in the butterfly’s life cycle as I’m re-learning everything at the moment. While it might not seem like much is going on, there is a great deal of transformation happening inside the chrysalis, just like how it’s always your result that is obvious to others, rather than your progress. Yet unlike humans, the larva doesn’t seem to have any doubts or anxiety about what’s to come, it just seems natural for it to just “trust the process”, because it knows it’s to prepare for something greater. This is where I think lies the essence of growth and evolution, and it has made me realize that turning 18 is nothing but the beginning of a long journey of self-growth.
2023 XPPen Global Drawing Awards