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The Little Prince Journey from Planet to PLanet, the lamplighter. This digital illustration depicts the moment in which the Little Prince arrives to the lamplighter´s planet. For the scenography, I was inspired by the aesthetics of a puppet theatre or a cut-outs theatre, where the characters are manipulated by means of wooden sticks that allow them to move around the stage. The lamplighter character was specially designed for the illustration. I find this character one of the most magical ones in the book, since it bears the responsibility of bringing light to its own planet. Hence, the characater is showed as a personification of the lamp. We´re also told that one of the greatest desires of this character is to sleep, since the days on his planet barely last a minute, that is the reason why he is dressed partly with a pajama, partly with his day clothes. Hope you like it!
The Little Princes Journey from Planet to Planet Drawing Contest