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Hi there! The Future Me contest has challenged me in a very personal way, since I have had to reflect on a realistic time range in the future; in this case, personifying myself in Fenix ​​and his family to make the image more fun. To be brief, the image is composed of two vignettes that dialogue with each other, seeing from the perspective of 2024 how the character approaches with effort his goal towards the future, achieved in 2035. I invite you to explore the images carefully to discover all the small details. It is at this point where I have stopped to think about what my wish is for the future me, and let me tell you, that the answer has been as simple as it is complex: I wish a long and boring life surrounded by nature, with my family, and with a lot of work. And I wish you with all my heart, that you achieve the same happiness. Greetings! 😊
Future Me 2024 XPPen Global Drawing Contest
Artist Pro 14 (Gen 2)